Friday, November 3, 2017

For my person

Keep my feet on the ground:
It is so easy to be swept away, by words that couldn’t be said more perfectly. I want to be cynical and maybe you’ll call me a pessimist. But I was called an optimist once, and I was going with the flow of life but I found myself lost and my feet were suddenly no longer on the ground. Do you know how scary it is to have been living life on the edge and suddenly finding myself falling off the edge of a very steep cliff?
Of all the people, in all the places, of all the time that has past and all that is to come, its you that’s here, now, in this place, in this moment, in this space. You have made me laugh and feel more alive than I usual. I can keep it real, I can show you who I am - what makes me smile, what makes me cry. You’ll know my buttons and maybe I’ll know yours and we’ll know which ones to push at the right times.
There is a man named Darwin I love who explains the world to me, he explains my feelings and their primitivity. But I now dislike this man, for diminishing my emotions to mere instinct I refuse to reduce my feelings. I refuse to be afraid of hurt; it’s that knife that chisels the right edges of a sculpture.
Maybe I can really care, maybe I can improve your life, maybe I can make you laugh, extend your lifespan, and maybe you can teach me and I you. Maybe you’ll mean enough that your words will hurt and I’ll cry. But maybe you’ll mean enough that it will be okay. And forgiveness would be easy and we’ll make these mistakes and learn to be good to each other. Maybe we can make something meaningful out of our lives and maybe we can take this gift and share it. Maybe we can make other people laugh. Maybe we’ll help and change or maybe we’ll just be good flawed human beings in each other’s lives?